Saturday, September 15, 2007

Latin Festival 2007

I put my skills to the test in a variety of conversations & transactions at Festival Latino today.

Although nearly all of that which was announced over the public address system in Spanish was lost on me, I did a lot of shopping and a bit of general socializing with great success.

I had no trouble whatsoever carrying out the moderately detailed conversation required to find out about prospective foods (of which I ate plenty) and other goodies when dealing with people whose English is, in fact, apparently more limited than my own Spanish.

Conversation wasn't strictly limited to carrying out transactions, although I made it a point not to use up enough of people's time to cost them other business.

Beyond the "Spanish practice" facet of the day, I got to enjoy some fine music, some fantastic food, buy some nice things, and enjoy a day away from the office.

It was also nice not being the only guy around in a cowboy hat!

I bought a mate gourd (somehow encased in metal), a bombilla, and a bag of yerba mate from a gentleman who ultimately decided to give me a page of hand-written notes about mate in Spanish. Being given the hand-written notes was one of the highlights of my day, to be honest.

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