Monday, September 3, 2007

hablo un poco

Because I've been making some meaningful progress learning Spanish, I thought I'd blog some of my reflections and notes.

Presently, I'm at about the end of Pimsleur Spanish II and on track to begin Spanish III by about the end of the week.

Specifically, I'm working on Lesson 26 of 30 today and have been proceeding at a rate of around a lesson per day through most of Spanish II. I moved through Spanish I much more slowly, but now feel that the lesson-per-day pace is generally more effective.

The next few entries are essentially copy/paste from some notes I jotted down earlier to compare the first two sets of Pimsleur Spanish lessons while the material is fresh on my mind.

But in the future I expect I'll have much to say that's not so Pimsleur-specific. It's just that these days Pimsleur is my main study track.

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