Monday, October 1, 2007

noting a bit of progress

Either early this year or some time last year, I watched several episodes of Destinos to see if I could make out much of what was said. At the time, I couldn't make out any meaningful amount of what was spoken, although I did recognize a few words & phrases, and could follow along with some of what was happening based on context.

Today I received a package from someone with whom I've been swapping some Spanish study materials. Inside was a... "well-loved" old Destinos book and set of audio CDs intended to be used along with it in a classroom environment (by the looks of it).

This got me wondering if I might notice any progress in understanding Destinos now that I've worked most of the way through Pimsleur Spanish III.

To my mild surprise, I was able to follow all but literally a couple of words/phrases in the first episode!

Hey, it's progress... right?

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